Woo hoo! I just got back from the biggest gathering of windsurfers I've ever seen north of the Frisco Woods Windfest in the Outer Banks. It was the "2011 East Coast Windsurfing Festival" at Hecksher State Park on Long Island, New York. The event was organized by Mike Burns, the East's best freestyle sailor, and it had racing, freestyle, relay-races, just-for-fun stuff, and gear demos with Josh Angulo. Also, it had WIND, especially the first day. I got a lot of video that I haven't had time to fully edit yet, but for starters, here's a little clip that compares the first-person experience of being me on a windsurf to the first-person experience of being a PWA champion on a windsurf.
March 9, 2025
9 hours ago
FREAKING AWESOME! I'm glad he agreed to wear the helmet for the "world wide internet"! ha!
Amazing! so that's what it looks like when you're going fast. I guess he fell rather than give away his jibe technique!! (go Team Jury Rig!!)
Wow can you see the difference when he kicks it in gear. Meanwhile when Josh was rocking the 9.8 he had nothing in the water but fin!
I sure as heck didn't know I was speaking to a camera when I introduced myself...I would have fixed my hair first!
Meanwhile your readers should know that in the Open class, the only people you finished behind were Angulo and Bill DeGeorge...Bill being Long Island's best racer and a former serious amateur competitor in the 80's. Congratulations James!
Aaron- Totally.
Dennis- I am super stoked about our Team Jury Rig victory in the relays. Woo hoo!
Puffy- Don't worry, your hair looked amazing. Also, congrats on your own 3rd place finish in the 7.5 fleet, which had more competitors than the open fleet.
I like AnguloVision! James, again, thanks for the vid and the stoke!
it was great seeing you guys again.
Angulo's goes to 11...
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