Here's Angulo in his garage with a ton of "Gun" brand sails. They're good sails and they're cheap, and you can test-ride them in Nahant if you want. I've got a 6.3 in my car now, and Josh's custom twin-fin waveboard on my roof. Heh heh heh.

Last night was a killer windsurfing session, too. Beautiful rainbow and sunset and LONG front-side rides on small, clean swells. I filmed it with my GoPro camera.
Glassy smooth, no whitecaps and a 5.5 m2! Better bottle that and sell it.
Any idea when Gun will be available for purchase via the web?
PS super sick video. I really got into that and started to feel like I was right there with you!
James... looks like Christmas came early this year!
Brian S- Yep, that's Nahant! I'd sell it but it's free.
Kyle- Thanks for the stoke on my video. Angulo told me to post this answer for ya: "Kyle , is still getting fine tuned , but you can definitely buy sails there right now. Any questions you can email me at or call me at 781 605 7439 or through the contact page on the site. Give me a ring.
Aloha, Josh"
Brian- Sure did.
Josh is in the garage with "new" GUN sails n masts - what's with the mouth protection - dusty sails ?? he he he
Hey Joe- When I got to his house Josh was going full blast on a bunch of remodeling projects, like tearing out and replacing sinks and stuff. That's what the mast was for.
Wow how lucky are you. Josh Angulo moves next door with a bunch of gear you can borrow. Your wave sailing better improve!
Petley- I reckon my wavesailing has nowhere to go but up. :)
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