Wednesday, February 5, 2025

My Open Letter to FL Senator Rick Scott regarding illegal actions by Elon Musk's "DOGE"

 Title: Please protect NSF, EPA, NOAA, etc; oppose illegal actions by "DOGE"

Hi Senator Scott,

As a working citizen, the taxes I pay support a variety of federal programs carefully designed and managed to benefit the public. For example, the mission of the National Science Foundation (NSF) is "To promote the progress of science; to advance the national health, prosperity and welfare; and to secure the national defense."

As a marine biology professor whose work has received support from NSF, NOAA, and the EPA, I have been proud to help these important agencies achieve their missions. My students and colleagues at Florida Gulf Coast University also work hard to do good science and win competitive, merit-based funding support from these agencies, or to work for them as experts. For example, my former student Lisa Rickards (FGCU MS Environmental Science 2018) now works to protect the environment at the EPA. Brondum Krebs (FGCU MS Environmental Science 2022) is working on a NOAA-NCCOS funded project to understand and protect fisheries resources in the Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary- an amazing coral reef ecosystem off the coast of Texas. Matthew Tillman (FGCU MS Environmental Science 2024) has been accepted into the extremely competitive NOAA Corps officer program and is going through their rigorous basic training, eager to use his science, boating, and diving skills to the benefit of our nation.

Because of their importance to the nation, to me, personally, and to the next generation of scientists who I have helped train, it is extremely upsetting to see these carefully built federal programs being “thrown into the wood chipper” as colorfully stated by unelected “DOGE” head Elon Musk. The reckless and illegal actions of DOGE are not reform and are not in our national interest; they are national self-destruction. The richest man in the world is treating our venerable institutions like a personal piñata; whacking them to pieces and grabbing the spilled loot for himself and his cronies. Unless Musk and DOGE are stopped, quickly, the programs essential to our national well-being will fail spectacularly and millions of Americans like Lisa, Brondum, Matthew, and me, will suffer.

I would also like to point out that while a majority of Floridians voted for you and President Trump, NOBODY voted for Elon Musk. With that in mind, please do whatever is in your power as a Senator to oppose Musk and DOGE.

Thank you,

James G. Douglass, PhD

Estero, Florida

1 comment:

sdklfjasdlkfj said...

As a windsurfer, a long time reader of your blog, and a proud Canadian; I say bravo James. I am truly starting to wonder what is going on anymore in the US. Joe