I work with a guy named Luke Miller who is another blogging science nerd like me. Dr. Miller is really good at setting up control and monitoring systems, both for scientific purposes like creating laboratory aquariums that realistically simulate the natural environment, and for random things like building a barbecue grill that monitors a roast's internal temperature, adjusts itself accordingly, and posts to its own twitter account when the food is ready. Something Luke did recently that I thought was especially cool was make a time-lapse movie of the progression from summer to winter in his backyard in Nahant, Massachusetts...
I think the time lapse thing is beautiful, in a melancholy sort of way. Luke also has a shorter but higher-resolution time lapse video of snow accumulation during a storm, which is posted on the same blog page where I got his season video.
I'm not sure if I have the right technology and skills, but I might want to try to set up a time-lapse video in my own Lynn, MA neighborhood. Perhaps I could focus on this dirty snow mound in front of the liquor store.
Wednesday 1 22 25 morning call
22 hours ago
This guy's amazing. He's worse afflicted than I am. I'm awaiting his design for a wood smoking version that controls an air damper.
Don't set up any time lapse videos. You've already lost too many cameras.
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