Dear Obama- This is 2010, not 1810. So what the heck are you thinking supporting the IWC's outrageous proposal to LEGALIZE commercial whaling? Whales are still highly endangered, and there's no way to kill one without it suffering for a long time on the end of a harpoon. Even if whaling was sustainable and humane, which it is neither, isn't an intelligent, human-like being worth more alive, gracing the ocean with her ancient majesty, than as a few pennies in greedy pockets and a pile of dead meat in a foreign seafood market? Instead of ending the ban on whaling you should be STRENGTHENING it by cracking down on countries like Norway, Japan, and Iceland that are currently exploiting loopholes to kill thousands of whales. I signed this petition to let you know what I think.
Dear The Discovery Channel- For better or for worse, you are looked to by Americans as a trusted authority on science and nature. So what the heck are you thinking preparing to air a grossly biased, anti-science, anti-environment documentary by Sarah Palin? The lying, misleading, and sleazy politicizing in Sarah Palin's Alaska documentary would fit right in on Fox, but has no place on what's supposed to be a real science channel. I just signed this petition calling on you to refuse to air it!
Dear [Florida Governor] Charlie Crist- You're a self-serving son of a gun, but at least you have paid enough attention to popular opinion about the oil rig disaster in the Gulf of Mexico to temporarily back away from your plans to drill for oil off the coast of Florida. If that accident had happened nearer to our state we could kiss our nice marine life and tourist-friendly beaches goodbye. You darn well better position yourself firmly in the no-drilling camp and stay there if you want to have a chance in heck of getting votes in the next election. Not that you would be getting my vote, anyway, since Kendrick Meek is a much better candidate who has been against drilling all along.
Dear Obama, again- I'll bet you feel pretty stupid for supporting more drilling off the US coast right before this horrible disaster occurred in the Gulf. You should take a page from Charlie Crist's book and scrap your drilling plans. Anyway, we can gain a lot more energy security by improving energy efficiency and conservation than we can by expanding drilling. I'm sharing this Sierra Club petition with my readers asking them to tell you to knock off the new drilling.
Monday 1 20 25 morning call
22 hours ago